Rajvar Technologies

Landlords Certificate

If you are a Landlord with a property to rent to tenants, it’s important you make sure the building is safe for them to occupy and has undergone all of the vital health and safety checks.

One of the most important checks that needs to be carried out on properties is electrical testing.

A recent article in the Evening Standard highlighted a study conducted by the Electrical Safety Council. The study exposed the fact that private landlords are risking the lives of tenants by not carrying out basic health and safety obligations, with poor electrical testing posing a major risk.

Electrical accidents are the cause of more than 350,000 serious injuries each year and cause more than half of all accidental house fires.

Most accidents in the home are caused by faults or misused domestic appliances, flexes, plugs or connectors. A large proportion of accidents are caused by poor electrical maintenance or DIY activities. The most serious dangers to health arise from electrical accidents such as shock, burns, electrical explosion, fire, and mechanical movements initiated by electricity.

The causes of these incidents vary but can include:

  • Deterioration of the electrical installation parts;
  • Broken appliance or installation accessories and equipment;
  • Misuse of the installation and appliances;
  • Poor and infrequent testing and maintenance